90's KODAK AR FILTER | kodak camera frames | song | lut | moviment
90's KODAK IG filter
Filter is ready to be uploaded on Instagram.
- Kodak camera frames
- Song
- Lut
- Moviment
- Grain
- Lighting
-Tap to hide date and days of the week
- Test before you buy, using the link: https://www.instagram.com/ar/441496084318068/?ch=MzMzZjYwNmM1YWU3ODgzZDA1YmQ0NWMyNzAxODIxZTY%3D
Comes with all the original assets so you can modify and use them in your own personal/commercial projects.After the payment is approved, you will be allowed to download the .arexport file.
Use as it is or modify to suit your account.
LICENSE:Is prohibited to sell, distribute, rent, give, sub-license, or otherwise transfer files or the right to use presets set to anyone else and will be met with legal action.I do not offer refunds as this is a digital product. You can use the test link in the product description to make sure you're 100% satisfied before purchasing.Purchases aren't eligible and won't be able to receive a refund or chargeback. We encourage our customers to try the product to ensure it fits your needs.
If you have any additional questions, feel free to contact me at danilo.saulo09@gmail.com
Spark AR project with all files and assets designed by @_danilosaulo